If you experience any problems making payment, here is a list of possible solutions:
1) The first step is to go to the right page: https://www.ConsumerEZcredit.com/consentform
2) Once you are on the page, REFRESH IT. I hope you know how to do that. Usually there is a symbol at the top left of your screen. There’s a left arrow and a right arrow. Then there’s a circular arrow which is the refresh symbol.
3) First and foremost, if your card does not have enough available balance on it, then obviously it will fail.
4) If the last 3 digits on the back of the card (the security code) or the 4-digit security code of an Amex card are incorrect, then the order will NOT succeed.
5) Make sure every field on the form is completed properly
6) If you receive a “successful payment” message, check your bank statement to make sure it has a pending charge for $45.00. If not, then it didn’t go through.
7) Sometimes YOUR BANK will not process the transaction because if they see unusual activity, they might not allow it. This is rare, but it happens occasionally. If you call the number on the back of your card, they might tell you your card is locked for security reasons and you have to get it unlocked. I would only check for this as a last resort.
8) If you are using a pre-paid card, usually the problem is that you have not yet registered or activated the card. It sometimes will not work unless activated.
9) If it still doesn’t work, try using a different device (PC, smart phone, tablet, etc).
10) Otherwise, try using a different web browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc).
11) If all else fails, use a different card, if possible.
12) In the worst-case scenario, you can always mail or overnight a money order or bank check to us at:
1930 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 12-454
Islandia, NY 11749
Please do not hit the “Submit” button more than once as this may result in multiple payments. Also, if you make a successful payment, do NOT refresh the page or go “back” on your browser, as you may inadvertently pay again without realizing. If you place the order and you do not receive a confirmation right away, please check your bank statement to see if the charge is there first, before attempting to submit it again, as to avoid duplicate charges.
We hope this has been helpful.
CEZ Credit
Identity Verification